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Version: v4


Application Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
APP_NAMEPILOSName of the application shown in page title, messages, emails, etc.
APP_ENVproductionApplication environment (local or production).
APP_KEYEncryption key for the application.
APP_DEBUGfalseEnable/disable debug mode.
May contain sensitive information (do not enable in production!)
APP_URLhttp://localhostApplication URL. Should be http://

Container Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
CONTAINER_IMAGEpilos/pilos:latestDocker container image for the application.
Used by docker compose

Session Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
SESSION_LIFETIME120Session lifetime in minutes.

Logging Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
LOG_CHANNELstderrLogging channel (stderr, stack, daily).
LOG_LEVELdebugLog level (debug, info, notice, etc.).

For more information on logging, have a look at the Getting started guide.

Database Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
DB_CONNECTIONmariadbDatabase connection driver.
DB_HOSTdbDatabase host
Default is the docker compose service
DB_PORT3306Database port.
DB_DATABASEappDatabase name
DB_USERNAMEuserDatabase username.
DB_PASSWORDpasswordDatabase password
Default should be replaced with random value during setup (see Getting Started)

This default configuration used the MariaDB database of the docker compose setup. However, you can also use an external database.

If you want to use PostgreSQL, have a look at the Getting started guide.

Redis Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
REDIS_HOSTredisRedis server host.

This default configuration uses the Redis server of the docker compose setup. However, you can also use an external Redis server.

Additional Redis Configuration

If you use an external Redis server, you may need to configure additional options.

OptionDefault ValueDescription
REDIS_SCHEMEtcpRedis connection scheme. (tcp or tls)
REDIS_PORT6379Redis server port.
REDIS_USERNAMEnullRedis server username (REDIS ACL system).
REDIS_PASSWORDnullRedis server password (if required).
REDIS_DATABASE0Redis database number for the application.
REDIS_CACHE_DB1Redis database number for caching.

Email Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
MAIL_MAILERsmtpMail driver (smtp).
MAIL_HOSTmailpitMail server hostname
Default is local dev. mail server (only available in dev. setup)
MAIL_PORT1025Mail server smtp port.
MAIL_USERNAMEnullMail username (if required).
MAIL_PASSWORDnullMail password (if required).
MAIL_ENCRYPTIONnullMail encryption method (ssl, tls, null).
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESSadmin@domain.tldSender email address.

This default configuration uses the Mailpit mail server of the docker compose development setup. It is a mail testing tool that captures emails sent by the application.

You need to configure a real mail server for production use.


To check your email configuration, you can send a test mail using the following command:

docker compose exec app pilos-cli mail:test


OptionDefault ValueDescription
LOCAL_AUTH_ENABLEDtrueEnable local authentication.

To enable external authentication methods like LDAP, please refer to the External Authentication guide.

User Interface and Localization Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
ENABLED_LOCALESComma-separated list of enabled locales.
By default all all locales in the lang directory are enabled
DEFAULT_LOCALEenDefault locale for the application.
WHITELABELfalseDo not show link to PILOS Github Project in the footer.
Please keep it disabled to support this project.

Room and Meeting Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LIMIT500Maximum length of room welcome message. (max. 5000)
ROOM_NAME_LIMIT50Maximum length of room name.
ROOM_REFRESH_RATE5Base time in seconds to automatically reload room page.
USER_SEARCH_LIMIT10Maximum amount of users to be shown in user search

BigBlueButton Configuration

OptionDefault ValueDescription
BBB_SERVER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT20Maximum time to wait to establish a connection to the BigBlueButton server.
BBB_SERVER_TIMEOUT10Maximum time to wait for a response of BigBlueButton server, once the connection has been established.
BBB_SERVER_ONLINE_THRESHOLD3Amount of successfully requests to a server in a row to become online
BBB_SERVER_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD3Amount of failed requests to become offline.
BBB_LOAD_MIN_USER_INTERVAL15Duration of a meetings starting phase in which BBB_LOAD_MIN_USER_COUNT is used for measuring the load of a meeting
BBB_LOAD_MIN_USER_COUNT15Min. amount of users of a meeting in the starting phase used in the LoadBalancing calculation
BBB_MAX_FILESIZE30Maximum file size in MB for file upload. (Make sure your reverse proxy also supports this filesize)
Comma seperated list of allowed file types for file upload.
BBB_ROOM_ID_MAX_TRIES1000Maximum amount of tries to generate a unique room id before failing.
BBB_ALLOWED_NAME_CHARACTERS\w ,.'\-+\/&()Allowed characters for user names, this default is already a large selection that is suitable for most scenarios.

Be careful not to whitelist all characters to prevent XSS attacks against unknown vulnerabilities in BigBlueButton or in Office products that may contain the name as part of the spreadsheet.

More config options