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Version: v4

Default Setting

Many application settings can be adjusted in the UI. You can adjust some default settings of PILOS by adding the desired values to the .env file.

After the first start of the application, the settings are stored in the database and can be adjusted in the admin UI. All changes to the .env variables will have no effect.

Setting in the .env fileDefault ValueDescription
APP_NAMEPILOSName of the application, used in page title, emails, etc. (1)
DEFAULT_HELP_URL---Link to a user documentation, shown in the main menu
DEFAULT_LEGAL_NOTICE_URL---Link to a legal notice, shown in the footer
DEFAULT_PRIVACY_POLICY_URL---Link to a privacy policy, shown in the footer
DEFAULT_FAVICON/images/favicon.icoRelative or absolute path to the favicon
DEFAULT_FAVICON_DARK/images/favicon-dark.icoRelative or absolute path to the dark version favicon
DEFAULT_LOGO/images/logo.svgRelative or absolute path to the logo
DEFAULT_LOGO_DARK/images/logo-dark.svgRelative or absolute path to the dark version logo
DEFAULT_TIMEZONEUTCDefault timezone for all new users

1: The application name should also be changed in the .env file, as some parts of the framework might use the value directly and do not read the settings from the database.

Image paths

In case you want to customize the images of the applications (logo and favicon) before the first start of the application, follow the steps below:

  1. Mount the public/images/custom folder into the container by adjusting the docker-compose file.
    - "./public/images/custom:/var/www/html/public/images/custom"
  2. Put the custom images under the path public/images/custom.
  3. Adjust the .env file with the relative path /images/custom/ , e.g. DEFAULT_LOGO=/images/custom/logo.svg

The logo and favicon can always be adjusted in the admin UI by uploading new images or setting a URL.